The following resources have been organized according to the Florida Department of Education Standards. Within each course or pathway, resources are organized by pathway/course - standards - course work.
These resources have been created by UF AEC faculty and graduate students and Florida agriculture teachers. They also include links to resources created by experts from around the world.
Agriscience Foundations
The course Agriscience Foundations (8106810) (RTF) is the foundational course in the majority of Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources secondary programs. The standards and benchmarks associated with this course are provided in the Agriscience Foundations 1 course document linked below.
01.0 History of AFNR Unpacked Standards
02.0 Science Unpacked Standards
03.0 Natural Resources Unpacked Standards
05.0 Animal Science Unpacked Standards
06.0 Food Science Unpacked Standards
07.0 Power, Structural, and Technology Unpacked Standards
- 01.0 Describe the history of agriculture and its influence on the global economy.
- Agricultural Commodities: This resource guides students through exploring various agricultural commodities and research on one commodity they choose.
- COVID-19 Supply Chain: Using recent events and newly developed Extension documents, this resource examines the impact of the COVID-19 outbreak on the agricultural supply chain.
- Current Events in Agriculture: This assignment provides an outline for having students find a report on an article related to current events in agriculture.
- Farm Tour: This resource provides another farm tour students can do from their home.
- Florida Agricultural Commodities Map: This resource guides students through an examination of agricultural commodities in the state of Florida.
- Global Agriculture Impacts: This resource will explore global impacts of
- Importance of Agriculture: This worksheet explores agricultural commodities in the United States using resources from American Farm Bureau.
- Introduction to Florida Aquaculture Commodities: This resource provides links to videos that explores the aquaculture industry in the state of Florida.
- USA Farm Resource Scavenger Hunt: This assignment guides students through a scavenger hunt to explore how agricultural products they have around their home have been grown, produced, and distributed in the United States.
- USDA Agency Research: This assignment asks students to create a pamphlet for a branch of the USDA.
- USDA Farm Resource Regions: This worksheet uses USDA data to have students examine farm resources in the United States.
- Value Chain of AFNR: The value chain of agriculture, food and natural resources National FFA Organization teacher resources link.
- 02.0 Employ scientific reasoning to make informed decisions in AFNR systems.
- Climate Science Exploration: A webquest guide for exploring climate science using various sources is provided.
- Liquid Volume Lab This lesson plan utilizes a multistep procedure for taking measurements and performing technical tasks. (Gator Agriscience)
- Measurement Lab: This lab worksheet guides students through measuring classroom objects. (Gator Agriscience)
- Precision Agriculture Lab: Students will look at how precision agriculture works in the United States.
- Scientific Method Lesson Outline: This lesson plan is for the bubble gum lab to teach scientific method. (Gator Agriscience)
- Scientific Method: Worksheets are provided to help students better understand the basics of the scientific method.
- Tape Measure Lesson: This lab utilizes a tape measure to measure dimensions of objects (Gator Agriscience)
- Texture Triangle Worksheet: This resource provides practice problems for students related to the soil texture triangle. (Brad Coleman)
- 03.0 Apply scientific skills and principles in natural resources.
- Scientific Method: Worksheets are provided to help students better understand the basics of the scientific method.
- Mitosis: These assignments can be used to teach students the concepts of cell division.
- Precision Agriculture Lab: Students will look at how precision agriculture works in the United States.
- 04.0 Apply scientific skills and principles in plant science.
- Cell Phone App Plant ID: Designed to engage students through inquiry-based process by investigating various smart phone apps to identify plants, the assignments reinforce plant identification skills while embedding technology concepts.
- Common Florida Pests Lab: This lab asks students to find insects around their home, guides them through insect identification and asks them to create a plan to manage any pests they find. (Delaney Harvey & Jaymes Arbuckle)
- Insect Picture Collection: This assignment encourages students to go outside to find various insects and do some research about the insects they find.
- Integrated Pest Management: This resource is designed to engage students in creating integrated pest management plans. It contains a PowerPoint presentation and Word document activity.
- Ornamental Trees and Shrubs: This lesson will introduce students to popular ornamental trees and shrubs in their community/yard. (Linda Jones)
- Pesticide Labeling: This assignment is designed to teach students how to read and use information on pesticide labels correctly. This project can be conducted by finding information from labels around the home and documenting information gleaned from labels. (Natalie Ferand)
- Photosynthesis: This assignment provides an overview of the photosynthesis process.
- Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration: This foldable activity allows students to create a model of a leaf to explain the photosynthesis and cellular respiration processes. (Brad Coleman)
- Plan a Garden: This assignment is designed for students to plan a garden at their home. (Linda Jones)
- Plant Medium & SAE Research Ideas: This lesson plan focuses on the best soil mixture for plants. (Tre Easterly)
- Plant Parts: This worksheet provides practice for students learning parts of plants and how they work together.
- Weed Collection: This assignment guides students through collecting and identifying species of weeds around their homes.
- 05.0 Apply scientific skills and principles in animal science.
- Anatomy of a Pig: This worksheet guides students through learning terminology and location of various parts of the pig.
- Animal By-Products: This lesson will investigate products that are made from animal products and by-products. (Gator Agriscience)
- Animal Science Terms Letter Writing: This assignment provides a creative way for students to apply their knowledge of animal science terms by writing a letter to their parents, persuading them to be allowed to raise a pig.
- Beef Breeds: This worksheet provides an overview of the commercially important beef breeds in Florida.
- Beef Cattle Operations: This worksheet provides a quick overview of common terms used in beef production.
- Beef Retail Cuts: This worksheet guides students through a quick introduction about the retail cuts of meat.
- Beef Terminology and Anatomy: This worksheet provides a quick overview of some of the terms used in beef production including anatomy terms and bull/steer/cow/calf.
- Dairy Breeds: This lesson will analyze physical characteristics and traits of dairy cattle breeds and formal letter writing. (Gator Agriscience)
- Dairy Breeds and Anatomy: This worksheet provides a quick overview of the major breeds of dairy cattle and the important parts of a dairy cow.
- Everything but the... : This lesson will identify products which use animal by-products. (Gator Agriscience)
- Favorite Swine/Beef Breed Teaching Project: This resource allows students to choose a breed of livestock (beef or swine) and investigate the breed more in-depth.
- Jo Bo Holstein Virtual Field Trip: These documents support the virtual field trip of a dairy farm for students, complete with a question worksheet and answer key.
- Livestock Judging 101: This resource provides an introduction to livestock judging by having students watch practice classes and observe a few things about each class.
- Livestock Terminology Fortune Teller: This resource focuses on learning livestock terms and industry connections. (Gator Agriscience)
- Livestock Profile: This resource presents various livestock breeds/species by creating a social media post that showcases pertinent data about the animals
- Mitosis: These assignments can be used to teach students the concepts of cell division.
- Poultry Industry Webquest: This assignment provides an overview of the poultry industry.
- Swine Breed Sorting: This self-directed activity allows students to explore swine breeds on their own.
- Swine Science Assessment: A quick swine science assessment is provided to test students' knowledge.
- 06.0 Apply scientific skills and principles in food science.
- Biosecurity Article: This is a quick assignment related to biosecurity for students.
- Food Safety at Home: Food safety at home is a very serious issue and can have significant consequences. This assignment guides students to investigate their home kitchen according to CDC guidelines. This can be used for middle school students.
- Food Safety SleuthsThis resources discusses components of food safety and handling practices in agriculture. (Gator Agriscience)
- Ice Cream Lab: This resource provides the instruction for a classic agriculture lesson and has students engage in the process at home. (Maggie Reaves & Ashlynn Roach)
- 07.0 Apply scientific skills and principles in power, structure, and technical systems.
- Bird House Building This lesson plan and worksheet guides through tools, materials, and skills to build a birdhouse. (Gator Agriscience)
- Measurement Lab This lab worksheet guides students through measuring classroom objects. (Gator Agriscience)
- Slope Estimation: This resource engages students in measuring various slopes around their home. (Natalie Ferand)
- Bird House Building This lesson plan and worksheet guides through tools, materials, and skills to build a birdhouse. (Gator Agriscience)
- 08.0 Explore AFNR professional development organizations.
- Careers in Agriculture: This activity guides students' online learning about different careers based in the agriculture industry.
- FFA History This lesson plan focuses on creating a timeline for FFA historical events. (Gator Agriscience)
- FFA LeadershipThis lesson plan focuses on the leadership opportunities in FFA. (Gator Agriscience)
- Interactive FFA Emblem: This is an interactive foldable of the FFA Emblem. (Gator Agriscience)
- Job Application Resources: Completing a job application is a critical skill for all students. These resources provide content, lesson plans, examples and assignments for having students complete a job application, complete a resume, and conduct a phone interview.
- Leadership and Characteristics: Explore leadership characteristics and effective communication skills. (Gator Agriscience)
- Mission Statement: This lesson reviews the FFA mission statement and guides students to create their own mission statements. (Gator Agriscience)
- My Job Depends on Ag: This television show is focused on agriculturally related jobs. It is set in California but gives insight into the process of food production.
- National FFA Organization Overview: This worksheet provides a brief overview of the FFA Organization.
- Parliamentary Procedure This lesson is an introduction of how to make main motions and amendments. (Gator Agriscience)
- Parliamentary Procedure This lesson focuses on a proper business meeting according to Robert’s Rules of Order. (Gator Agriscience)
- Personal and Professional Growth: This lesson reviews FFA mission statement, constitution and by-laws, and program of activities. (Gator Agriscience)
- Plant Medium & SAE Research Ideas: This lesson plan focuses on the best soil mixture for plants. (Tre Easterly)
- Program of Activities This lesson plan guides students through developing the POA and chapter activities. (Gator Agriscience)