AEC 5032: Agricultural Media Writing Prereq: AEC 5541. Varied media writing assignments: feature stories, news releases, and video.
Typical course offering: Fall
Fall 2024: Dr. Jamie Loizzo, AEC5032
Fall 2023: Dr. Jamie Loizzo, AEC5032
Fall 2022: Dr. Jamie Loizzo, AEC5032
AEC 5034: Digital Media Production in Agriculture and Natural Resources This course will focus on the role of digital media in agricultural and life sciences. Topics will include how agriculture uses digital media production. Also, students will be introduced to video shooting and editing, digital photography, print design, and media literacy through hands-on experiences. Students will learn skills and knowledge in digital video production and editing, digital photography, print layout and design, and media literacy.
Typical course offering: Summer even years (online) Fall and Spring (face to face)
Spring 2024: Dr. Ricky Telg, AEC5034
Fall 2023: Dr. Ricky Telg, AEC5034
Spring 2023: Dr. Ricky Telg, AEC5034
AEC 5037: Agricultural Media Production Prereq: AEC 5541. Variety of agricultural media production assignments. Agricultural websites and publication development.
Typical course offering: Fall and Spring
Spring 2025: Dr. Jamie Loizzo, AEC5037
Fall 2024: Dr. Ricky Telg, AEC5037
Spring 2024: Dr. Jamie Loizzo, AEC5037
AEC 5060: Public Opinion and Agricultural and Natural Resources Issues Public opinion measurement and agenda setting. Media treatment, public opinion, and public relations/public information activity on issues affecting agricultural production and trade.
Typical course offering: Fall
Fall 2023: Dr. Lisa Lundy, AEC5060
Fall 2022: Dr. Lisa Lundy, AEC5060
Fall 2021: Dr. Lisa Lundy, AEC5060
AEC 5206: Teaching Methods in Agricultural Education Teaching methodology course that focuses on the selection and use of teaching strategies, methods/approaches, and techniques; evaluating learning; managing learning environments; and classroom management for teaching agricultural subjects in formal educational settings.
Typical course offering: Fall and Spring
Fall 2024: Dr. Carla Jagger, AEC5206
Fall 2023: Dr. Carla Jagger, AEC5206
Fall 2021: Dr. Carla Jagger, AEC5206
AEC 5227: Teaching in Agricultural Education Laboratory Facilities Introduces pre-service agricultural education teachers to laboratory integration into the agricultural education curriculum at the middle school and secondary school level. (For MS certification students.)
Typical course offering: Fall
Spring 2021: Dr. Carla Jagger, AEC5227
AEC 5324: Philosophy and Development in Agricultural Education Prereq: Admission to AEC state-approved graduate-level teacher certification program. An analysis of evolving concepts and philosophies of agricultural education programs with emphasis upon the history, legislation and principles underlying organization and practice.
Typical course offering: Fall
Fall 2023: Dr. J.C. Bunch, AEC5324
Fall 2021: Dr. J.C. Bunch, AEC5324
Fall 2020: Dr. J.C. Bunch, AEC5324
AEC 5416: Critical and Creative Thinking in Problem Solving and Decision Making in Agricultural Education and Communication
Creating a foundation for effective leadership practice through the analysis and development of critical and creative thinking skills and dispositions as applied to dynamic organizational and community contexts. Contexts include agriculture, life sciences, natural resources, and related settings.
Typical course offering: Spring of even years
Spring 2024: Dr. Sarah Bush, AEC5416
Spring 2021: Dr. Nicole Stedman, AEC5416
AEC 5454: Leadership Development for Extension and Community Nonprofit Organizations Application of concepts related to developing leaders for organizing and maintaining extension and community nonprofit organizations.
Typical course offering: Fall and Spring
Fall 2024: Dr. Laura Greenhaw, AEC5454
Spring 2024: Dr. Laura Greenhaw, AEC5454
Fall 2023: Dr. Laura Greenhaw, AEC5454
AEC 5541: Communication and Instructional Technologies in Agricultural and Life Sciences Planning and production of written and visual instructional and communication materials for programs in agricultural and life sciences. Major instructional project or communication campaign required.
Typical course offering: Fall
Fall 2023: Dr. Jamie Loizzo, AEC5541
Fall 2022: Dr. Jamie Loizzo, AEC5541
Fall 2021: Dr. Jamie Loizzo, AEC5541
AEC 5544: Curriculum Development and Assessment Techniques in Emerging Agricultural Technologies Principles and practices used in developing agricultural education curriculum from developing objectives through instructional plans. Assessing student learning and implementing curriculum.
Typical course offering: Fall
Fall 2024: Dr. Tre Easterly, AEC5544
Fall 2023: Dr. Tre Easterly, AEC5544
Spring 2021: Dr. Tre Easterly, AEC5544
AEC 5545: Special Methods in Teaching Agriculture Teaching methods for active learning, critical, creative and evaluative thinking in the agricultural education classroom. Strategies for managing student behavior, utilizing instructional technology and utilizing FFA and SAE as teaching tools.
Typical course offering: Spring
Spring 2021: Dr. J.C. Bunch, AEC5545
AEC 5546: Program Planning in Agricultural Education Principles and practices used in designing courses of instruction for effective teaching and total program development.
Typical course offering: Fall
Fall 2023: Dr. Debra Barry, AEC5546
Fall 2020: Dr. Debra Barry, AEC5546
AEC 6210: Designing Education Programs in Agricultural Settings Engages students in appropriate teaching techniques, curricula and resources. Emphasis placed on instruction in both formal (classroom) and nonformal (extension & outreach) settings.
Typical course offering: Fall
Fall 2023: Dr. Tre Easterly, AEC6210
Fall 2021: Dr. Tre Easterly, AEC6210
Summer C 2021: Dr. Tre Easterly, AEC6210
AEC 6211: Delivering Educational Programs in Agricultural Settings Focus on delivering educational programs in formal and nonformal settings. Emphasis placed on balancing theoretical and practical development and delivery of educational programs.
Typical course offering: Spring
Spring 2025: Dr. Carla Jagger, AEC6211
Spring 2024: Dr. Carla Jagger, AEC6211
Fall 2023: Dr. Carla Jagger, AEC6211
AEC 6212: Teacher Education in Agriculture Designed to prepare future agriculture teacher educators with the knowledge and skills needed to provide leadership in a university teacher education program. Students will investigate various models of teacher education and determine the composition of a well-developed agriculture teacher education program.
Typical course offering: Spring
Spring 2024: Dr. Tre Easterly, AEC6212
AEC 6229: Laboratory Instruction: Theory and Practice Research and theoretical foundations that underlie the aspects of planning, management, teaching, evaluation, safety, and facility design will be discussed within the context of laboratory instruction.
Typical course offering: Spring (odd years)
Spring 2025: Dr. Carla Jagger, AEC6229
Spring 2023: Dr. Carla Jagger, AEC6229
Spring 2021: Dr. Carla Jagger, AEC6229
AEC 6300: Methodology of Planned Change Processes by which professional change agents influence the introduction, adoption, and diffusion of technological changes. Applicable to those who are responsible for bringing about change.
Typical course offering: Spring
Spring 2025: Dr. Sarah Bush, AEC6300
Spring 2024: Dr. Sarah Bush, AEC6300
Spring 2023: Dr. Sarah Bush, AEC6300
AEC 6316: From America to Zimbabwe: An Overview of International Extension Systems Various extension models and delivery systems, extension partners; linkages and issues affecting extension internationally. Field trip.
Typical course offering: Spring (odd years)
Fall 2024: Dr. Grady Roberts, AEC6316
Spring 2023: Dr. Kathleen Colverson, AEC6316
Spring 2021: Dr. Amy Harder, AEC6316
AEC 6325: History and Philosophy of Agricultural Education Analysis of evolving concepts and philosophies. Emphasis on history, legislation, and principles underlining organization and practice. Participation in field experience required.
Typical course offering: Spring (even years)
Summer C 2022: Dr. Debra Barry, AEC6325 (Online)
Spring 2022: Dr. Debra Barry, AEC6325
Fall 2021: Dr. Debra Barry, AEC6325
AEC 6411: Organizational Leadership This course is designed to examine leadership as it relates to organizations and provide a knowledge base of theories, research and practices necessary for effective organizations. Topics will focus on: organizational leadership, culture, structure, relationships, change, and conflict. This course is designed for all graduate students who are interested in positions of leadership within organizations and who want to learn more about making the organizations they lead more effective.
Typical course offering: Spring (odd years)
Spring 2025: Dr. Matthew Sowcik, AEC6411
Fall 2024: Dr. Matthew Sowcik, AEC6411
Fall 2023: Dr. Matthew Sowcik, AEC6411
AEC 6419: Communication and Competencies for Global Leadership The purpose of this course is to increase knowledge of the global social, political, anthropological, psychological and linguistic perspectives of intercultural communication and relationships and to enhance cultural competence in communication through practical application of intercultural communication principles and concepts.
Typical course offering: Spring
Fall 2024: Dr. Pablo Lamino, AEC6419
Fall 2023: Dr. Pablo Lamino, AEC6419
Spring 2023: Dr. Natalie Coers, AEC6419
AEC 6426: Developing Volunteer Leadership in Extension and Community Non-profits Identification, recruitment, training, retention and supervision of volunteer leaders. Specifically, this course will explore the praxis between volunteer leadership models and theories and the practical application of those behaviors to effectively administer and lead a volunteer program in the contexts of extension and community non profits.
Typical course offering: Summer (even years; online only)
Spring 2025: Dr. Matt Benge, AEC6426
Summer C 2022: Dr. Matt Benge, AEC6426
Summer C 2020: Dr. Matt Benge, AEC6426
AEC 6501: Developing and Conducting Needs Assessments in Extension Settings Iden This course is intended to help educators in the field of extension and other non-formal education organizations: (a) acquire an understanding of needs assessments from theory to practice and (b) strengthen or develop their skills in planning and conducting needs assessments within extension settings
Typical course offering: Spring (even years)
Spring 2024: Dr. Matt Bange, AEC6501
Spring 2022: Dr. Amy Harder, AEC6501
AEC 6540: Agricultural and Natural Resources Communications Theory and Strategies Communication theory and concepts as they apply to important agricultural/ natural resources issues.
Typical course offering: Spring
Spring 2025: Dr. Sadie Hundemer, AEC6540
Fall 2024: Dr. Sadie Hundemer, AEC6540 (Online)
Spring 2024: Dr. Sadie Hundemer, AEC6540
AEC 6543: Teaching and Learning Theory: Applications in Agricultural Education and Communication Contemporary and foundational theory and research on teaching and learning processes with emphasis on applications in agricultural education and communication. Emphasis will be placed upon behavioral, social cognitive, cognitive, information processing, brain-based, constructivist, developmental, motivational, and transformational theories as they apply in contemporary agricultural education and communication settings.
Typical course offering: Fall
Fall 2024: Dr. Grady Roberts, AEC6543
Fall 2023: Dr. Grady Roberts, AEC6543
Spring 2022: Dr. Carla Jagger, AEC6543
Fall 2021: Dr. Grady Roberts, AEC6543
AEC 6552: Evaluating Programs in Extension Education Concepts and research drawn from the social sciences relevant to evaluating youth and adult extension programs.
Typical course offering: Spring (odd years)
Spring 2025: Dr. Sebastian Galindo, AEC6552
Summer C 2021: Dr. Sebastian Galindo, AEC6552
Spring 2021: Dr. Glenn Israel, AEC6552
AEC 6611: Agricultural and Extension Adult Education Concepts and principles related to design, implementation, and evaluation of education programs for adults..
Typical course offering: Fall
Fall 2023: Dr. Grady Roberts, AEC6611
Fall 2021: Dr. Grady Roberts, AEC6611
Fall 2020: Dr. Grady Roberts, AEC6611
AEC 6704: Extension Administration and Supervision Principles and practices for effective administration and supervision of the cooperative extension service program at the county and state levels.
Typical course offering: Summer (even years)
Summer C 2022: Dr. Myers & Dr. Arrington, AEC6704
Summer C 2020: Dr. Myers & Dr. Arrington, AEC6704
AEC 6767: Research Strategies in Agricultural Education and Communication Application of principles, practices, and strategies for conducting behavioral research in agricultural and natural resource professions.
Typical course offering: Spring
Spring 2025: Dr. J.C. Bunch, AEC6767
Spring 2024: Dr. J.C. Bunch, AEC6767
Spring 2023: Dr. J.C. Bunch, AEC6767
AEC 6905: Problems in Agricultural and Extension Education Prereq: Approval of faculty advisor and/or course instructor. For advanced students to select and study a problem related to agricultural and/or extension education (independent study, rotating topics).
Typical course offering: Fall, Spring and Summer
*No syllabus required
AEC 6910: Supervised Research Research for master's or doctoral students. Contact your advisor or the Academic Program Specialist to determine the amount of hours allowed in a program of study..
Typical course offering: Fall, Spring and Summer
*No syllabus required
AEC 6912: Non-Thesis Research Research for non-thesis master's students. At least three hours are required.
Typical course offering: Fall, Spring and Summer
*No syllabus required
AEC 6932: Effectively Communicating Agriculture and Life Sciences Policy Issues
This course is designed to educate students about major policy issues in agricultural and life sciences (ALS) and to expose students to a variety of methods used to effectively communicate, inform, and influence decisions about these issues. All discussions and activities are planned to involve you in "real world" ways. This course includes mandatory trips to downtown Gainesville, Georgia, and Washington, D.C.
Typical course offering: Spring
Spring 2025: Dr. Ricky Telg & Dr. Lisa Lundy, AEC6932
Spring 2023: Dr. Ricky Telg, AEC6932
Spring 2021: Dr. Ricky Telg & Dr. Lisa Lundy, AEC6932
AEC 6932: Facilitating Leadership Programs
Theory of planning and creation of facilitation and teaching methods for leadership education students; discovery of presentation and training activities to create change within an organization. In this course, students will plan and carry out a leadership training program to a particular clientele with leadership education needs.
Typical course offering: Spring (odd years)
Spring 2025: Dr. Sarah Bush, AEC6932
Spring 2023: Dr. Sarah Bush, AEC6932Facilitation
Spring 2020: Dr. Nicole Stedman, AEC6932 Facilitation
AEC 6932: Mixed-Method Frameworks in Research This course is designed to cover concepts relevant to designing and conducting mixed methods and participatory research. This course will give the student an appreciation of the basic skills needed to effectively integrate diverse methodologies and participatory methods.
Typical course offering: Fall (even years)
Fall 2024: Dr. Sebastian Galindo, AEC6932 Mixed Methods
Fall 2022: Dr. Sebastian Galindo, AEC6932 Mixed Methods
Fall 2020: Dr. Sebastian Galindo, AEC6932 Mixed Methods
AEC 6932: Participatory Arts-Based Research in ANR This course introduces the alternative qualitative research paradigm of participatory arts-based research (ABR). You will learn about different ABR methods and designs, explore various ABR studies, develop your own conceptualization of an ABR research study in your field, and participate in ABR data analysis.
Spring 2025: Dr. Jamie Loizzo, AEC6932
AEC 6932: Qualitative Research Methods This course is designed to cover concepts relevant to designing and conducting qualitative research. The course is structured as an authentic research experience that will give the student an appreciation of the basic skills and steps needed to implement a rigorous qualitative study. Research teams will be formed at the beginning of the semester and every student will be part of a team. These research team(s) will be responsible for designing and implementing a qualitative study relevant to Agriculture and Natural Resources.
Typical course offering: Fall (odd years)
Fall 2023: Dr. Sebastian Galindo, AEC6932 Qualitative Methods
Fall 2021: Dr. Sebastian Galindo, AEC6932
Fall 2019: Dr. Sebastian Galindo, AEC6932 Qualitative Methods
AEC 6932: Scientist Online Production and Research
This graduate special topics course emphasizes: 1) solutions-focused, constructive science communication theory, research, and techniques, 2) instructional design for non-formal science education online programs, 3) collaboration with PK-12 stakeholders and audiences, and 4) non-formal science communication and education assessment.
Spring 2025: Dr. Jamie Loizzo, AEC6932
Spring 2024: Dr. Jamie Loizzo, AEC6932
Spring 2023: Dr. Jamie Loizzo, AEC6932
AEC 6932: Statistical Thinking in Behavioral Sciences This is an introductory course designed to present basic fundamentals and statistical procedures to agriscience teachers, extensionists, and other educators or practitioners within agriculture and natural resources. It is designed to assist students in becoming better consumers of research. Statistical topics and techniques covered during this semester include descriptive statistics, measures of central tendency and variability, probability, statistical inference and hypothesis testing, parametric and nonparametric testing, and multivariate techniques (partial correlation and multiple regression).
Typical course offering: Fall (even) and Summer
Fall 2022: Dr. Sebastian Galindo, AEC6932 Statistical Thinking
Fall 2020: Dr. Sebastian Galindo, AEC6932 Statistical Thinking
AEC 6932: Strategies for Success as a University Faculty Member Roles and responsibilities of university faculty members in agricultural education and communication; performance expectations; strategies for successful tenure and promotion; planning and executing teaching, research, and extension programs based upon formal position assignments.
Typical course offering: Fall
Fall 2024: Dr. Bryan Myers, AEC6932 Faculty Success
Fall 2023: Dr. Brian Myers, AEC6932 Faculty Success
Fall 2022: Dr. Brian Myers, AEC6932 Faculty Success
Fall 2020: Dr. Ed Osborne, AEC6932 Faculty Success
AEC 6932: Communicating about Agricultural and Natural Resource Research This course will focus on the planning and production of written, digital, and visual instructional and communication materials designed to support outreach programs in the sciences. Graduate students in scientific disciplines will learn to think critically and creatively, with respect to developing outreach programs to engage the public about the importance of science. Students will learn how public engagement and outreach can be used to convey the public value of their own work.
Typical course offering: Spring and Summer (odd; taught online)
Spring 2024: Dr. Lisa Lundy, AEC6932
Spring 2021: Dr. Lisa Lundy, AEC6932
AEC 6932: Applied Data Analysis and Interpretation Concepts and methods drawn from the social sciences for analyzing data in the human dimensions of agricultural and natural resource issues.
Typical course offering: Spring (even years)
Fall 2024: Dr. J.C. Bunch, AEC6932 Data Analysis
Spring 2020: Dr. Glenn Israel, AEC6932 Data Analysis
AEC 6932: Issues in Agricultural and Life Sciences Methods used to effectively communicate, inform, and influence policy decisions about agricultural and life sciences issues.
Spring 2021: Dr. J.C. Bunch & Ms. Becky Raulerson, AEC6932
AEC 6932: Podcasting to Increase Science Literacy Podcasting to Increase Science Literacy is an undergraduate/graduate cross-listed college course designed to raise your awareness of science literacy concepts, how to engage in public conversations about controversial issues, how to interview scientists, how to edit scientific audio interviews, and how to ultimately produce a podcast series with the goal of increasing the public’s science literacy.
Typical course offering: Spring
Spring 2025: Dr. Jamie Loizzo, AEC6932
Spring 2024: Dr. Jamie Loizzo, AEC6932
Spring 2023: Dr. Jamie Loizzo, AEC6932-2
AEC 6932: Developing and Conducting Needs Assessments in Domestic & International Extension Settings This course is intended to help educators in the field of extension and other non-formal education organizations: (a) acquire an understanding of needs assessments from theory to practice and (b) strengthen or develop their skills in planning and conducting needs assessments within domestic and international extension settings.
Typical course offering: Spring (even years)
Spring 2020: Dr. Amy Harder, AEC6932 Needs Assessments
AEC 6932: Partisanship in Agriculture and Natural Resources Stakeholder conflict and political division contribute to and impede the resolution of environmental issues. Therefore, our effectiveness as agriculture and natural resources professionals requires the ability to navigate the sociopolitical systems that influence stakeholder perspectives. This course will examine the psychological and social mechanisms that cause people to divide on agriculture and natural resources topics.
Fall 2024: Dr. Sadie Hundemeer, AEC6932 Partisanship in ANR
Fall 2023: Dr. Sadie Hundemer, AEC6932 Partisanship in ANR
AEC 6932: Using Perception Analyzers in Agricultural Communication Research The purpose of this course is to learn how to use perception analyzer dials in social science research in applied and scholarly research settings. Additionally, students will learn the important role technology can play in understanding human perceptions and experiences with dynamic visual content.
Summer C 2022: Dr. Lauri Baker, AEC6932
AEC 6971: Research for Master's Thesis Research for master's thesis students. At least three hours are required.
Typical course offering: Fall, Spring, and Summer
*No syllabus required
AEC 6980: Research Proposal Development This course is designed to assist students in the preparation of their thesis or dissertation research proposal. Students will submit an acceptable draft of the first three chapters of their thesis/dissertation proposal by the end of the course.
Typical course offering: Summer
Summer C 2022: Dr. J.C. Bunch, AEC6980
Summer C 2021: Dr. J.C. Bunch, AEC6980
Summer C 2020: Dr. Ed Osborne, AEC6980
AEC 7979: Advanced Research Research for doctoral students before admission to candidacy. Designed for students with a master's degree in the field of study or for students who have been accepted for a doctoral program. Not appropriate for students who have been admitted to candidacy.
Typical course offering: Fall, Spring and Summer
*No syllabus required
AEC 7980: Research for Doctoral Dissertation Research for doctoral students who have been admitted to candidacy.
Typical course offering: Fall, Spring and Summer
*No syllabus required