Jaehyun Ahn

Assistant Professor
Artificial Intelligence Extension

(352) 273-2569


Dr. Jaehyun Ahn (Jae) is an assistant professor of artificial intelligence extension at UF/IFAS—AEC.

Lauri Baker, faculty in agricultural communication

Lauri Baker

Associate Professor
Agricultural & Natural Resource Communication

(352) 273-2093


Lauri Baker is an associate professor of agricultural & natural resource communication in AEC. Part of her appointment is with the UF/IFAS Center for Public Issues Education for Agriculture and Natural Resources.

Debra Barry

Assistant Professor
Agricultural Education



Debra Barry is an assistant professor of agricultural education in the Department of Agricultural Education and Communication. Her office is located in Plant City, FL, although she teaches classes in both Plant City and Gainesville.

Peyton Beattie

Extension Assistant Professor
Extension Education

(352) 273-2584


Peyton Beattie is an extension assistant professor in the Department of Agricultural Education and Communication.

Matt Benge

Matt Benge

Associate Professor
Extension Education



Matt Benge is an associate professor of extension education in the Department of Agricultural Education and Communication.

J.C. Bunch

J.C. Bunch

Associate Professor and Associate Chair
Agricultural Education



Dr. J.C. Bunch is an associate professor of agricultural education and graduate coordinator for the Department of Agricultural Education and Communication. 

Sarah Bush

Assistant Professor
Agricultural Leadership Education

(352) 273-2613


Dr. Sarah Bush is an assistant professor of agricultural leadership education in the Department of Agricultural Education Communication (AEC) at the University of Florida.

Megan Stein

Megan Cantrell

Agricultural Leadership Education



Megan Cantrell is a lecturer of leadership development and coordinator of the leadership minor in the Department of Agricultural Education and Communication.

Christy Chiarelli

Christy Chiarelli

Extension Scientist
Agricultural Leadership Education



Christy Chiarelli is an extension scientist in the Department of Agricultural Education and Communication, where she also serves as the Director of the Wedgworth Leadership Institute for Agriculture and Natural Resources.

Natalie Coers

Natalie Coers

Instructional Assistant Professor
Agricultural Leadership Education



Natalie Coers is an instructional assistant professor of leadership development in the Department of Agricultural Education and Communication. She also leads the University of Florida Global Leadership & Change Certificate.

John Diaz

John Diaz

Associate Professor
Extension Education



Dr. John Diaz is an assistant professor in the Department of Agricultural Education, located in Plant City, Florida.

Tre Easterly

Assistant Professor
Agricultural Education

(352) 273-4052


Tre Easterly is an assistant professor in the Department of Agricultural Education and Communication.

Sebastian Galindo

Sebastian Galindo

Associate Professor
Extension Education



Dr. Sebastian Galindo is an associate professor in the Department of Agricultural Education and Communication.

Laura Greenhaw

Assistant Professor
Agricultural Leadership Education


Dr. Laura Greenhaw is an assistant professor in the Department of Agricultural Education and Communication.

Assistant Professor of agriculture and natural resources communication in AEC at UF.

Sadie Hundemer

Assistant Professor
Agricultural & Natural Resource Communication

(352) 273-2574


Dr. Sadie Hundemer is an assistant professor of agricultural & natural resource communication in the Department of Agricultural Education and Communication. 

Carla Jagger

Assistant Professor
Agricultural Education


Dr. Carla Jagger is an assistant professor of agricultural education in the Department of Agricultural Education and Communication. 

Mark Kistler

Extension Education


Dr. Mark Kistler is the Center Director and Professor of the University of Florida/IFAS Indian River Research and Education Center (IRREC). 

Pablo Lamino

Assistant Professor
Agricultural Leadership Education


Dr. Pablo Lamino is an assistant professor of agricultural leadership education in the Department of Agricultural Education and Communication. 

Jamie Loizzo

Associate Professor
Agricultural & Natural Resource Communication



Dr. Jamie Loizzo is an assistant professor of agricultural & natural resource communication in the Department of Agricultural Education and Communication. 

Lisa Lundy

Agricultural & Natural Resource Communication



Dr. Lisa Lundy is a professor of agricultural & natural resource communication and undergraduate coordinator in the Department of Agricultural Education and Communication.

Paul Monaghan

Paul Monaghan

Associate Professor
Extension Education



Dr. Paul Monaghan is an associate professor of Extension education in the Department of Agricultural Education and Communication.

Brian Myers

Brian Myers

Professor and Chair
Agricultural Education



Dr. Brian Myers is a professor of agricultural education and chair of the Department of Agricultural Education and Communication. 

Becky Raulerson

Senior Lecturer
Agricultural & Natural Resource Communication


Becky Raulerson is a senior lecturer of agricultural & natural resource communication in the Department of Agricultural Education and Communication. 

Headshot portrait of Grady Roberts, professor of agricultural education

Grady Roberts

Agricultural Education



Dr. Grady Roberts is a professor of agricultural education in the Department of Agricultural Education and Communication.

Matt Sowcik

Matt Sowcik

Associate Professor
Agricultural Leadership Education 



Dr. Matt Sowcik is an assistant professor of leadership development and the coordinator of the communication and leadership development (CLD) specialization in the Department of Agricultural Education and Communication.

Headshot portrait of Nicole Stedman, professor of leadership and associate chair for AEC

Nicole Stedman

Dean and Associate Provost
Graduate School



Dr. Nicole Stedman is a professor in the Department of Agricultural Education and Communication and the Dean and Associate Provost of the Graduate School..

Katie Stofer

Katie Stofer

Research Associate Professor
Agricultural & Natural Resource Communication



Dr. Katie Stofer is a research associate professor of agricultural & natural resource communication in the Department of Agricultural Education and Communication. 

Troy Tarpley

Instructional Assistant Professor
Agricultural & Natural Resource Communication

(352) 294-2777


Troy Tarpley is an instructional assistant professor of agricultural & natural resource communication in AEC.

Ricky Telg

Ricky Telg

Agricultural & Natural Resource Communication



Dr. Ricky Telg is a professor of agricultural & natural resource communication in AEC. He also serves as Director of the UF/IFAS Center for Public Issues Education. 

Laura Warner

Extension Education


Dr. Laura Warner is a professor of Extension education in the Department of Agricultural Education and Communication. 

Shane White

Instructional Assistant Professor
Agricultural & Natural Resource Communication

(501) 385-1383


Shane White is an instructional assistant professor of agricultural & natural resource communication in AEC at the UF Plant City Campus. 

Heather Young

Instructional Assistant Professor
Agricultural & Natural Resource Communication


Heather Young is an instructional professor of agricultural & natural resource communication in AEC. 

Emeritus Faculty

Name Specialization Title(s) Email
Larry Arrington Agricultural Education/Extension Professor Emeritus
Former Dean for Extension & Interim UF/IFAS Senior Vice President
R. Kirby Barrick Agricultural Education Professor Emeritus
Former Dean of UF/IFAS CALS
Carl Beeman Agricultural Education Professor Emeritus
Former Department Chair
Cheri W. Brodeur Extension Education Extension Assistant Scientist Emeritus
Program Development & Evaluation
Jimmy Cheek Agricultural Education Professor Emeritus
Former Dean of UF/IFAS CALS & UF/IFAS Senior Vice President
Jim Dyer Agricultural Education Professor Emeritus
Teacher Education at Plant City
Marta Hartmann Extension Education Lecturer Emeritus
Global Education
Glenn Israel Extension Education Professor Emeritus gdisrael@ufl.edu 
Ed Osborne Agricultural Education Professor Emeritus, Former Department Chair ewo@ufl.edu
Alto Straughn Extension Education Professor Emeritus
Program Development & Evaluation
Pete Vergot Extension Education Professor Emeritus pvergot@ufl.edu
John Woeste Extension Education Professor Emeritus
Former Dean for Extension


Brooke Brammer

Brooke Brammer

e-Learning Specialist
Land O' Lakes, FL

Catherine Clark

Catherine Clark

Administrative Support Assistant III
Rolfs 305

Becky Cook

Becky Cook

Academic Advisor II
Bryant 101C

Cordell Cowdrey

Cordell Cowdrey

IT Professional I
Bryant 101H

Richard Chamblin

Richard Chamblin

Research Administrator

Diane Craig

Diane Craig

Data Management Analyst III
Bryant 126C

Tyann Haile

Tyann Haile

Program Assistant
Bryant 126A

Annabel Henson

Annabel Henson

Marketing and Communications Specialist
Bryant 101F

Brandy Johnson

Brandy Johnson

Administrative Support Assistant II
Bryant 101G

Peggy Lowenstein

Peggy Lowenstein

Academic Program Specialist
Bryant 101D

Jovan Murray

Jovan Murray

Fiscal Assistant
Bryant 101A

Anne Parrish

Anne Parrish

Leadership Programs Coordinator
Bryant 101G

Jason Steward

Jason Steward

Academic Program Specialist II
Plant City, FL

Julie Wilson

Julie Wilson

Administrative Services Manager
Bryant 101B

Ph.D. Students


  Name Specialization Email Degree Level
Damilola Ajayi Extension Education d.ajayi@ufl.edu Ph.D.
Aryal is a graduate student in AEC Dipendra Aryal Extension Education aryaldipendra@ufl.edu  Ph.D.
Asemokhai is an AEC graduate student Alexsandra Asemokhai Extension Education asemokhai.oa@@ufl.edu Ph.D.
Dehlia Albrecht, graduate student in the UF/IFAS Department of Agricultural Education and Communication Dehlia Albrecht Extension Education
dehliadee@ufl.edu Ph.D.
AEC student headshot Ange Asanzi Extension Education a.asanzi@ufl.edu  Ph.D.
Ashley is an AEC graduate student Heather Ashley Leadership Development hashley@ufl.edu Ph.D.
Carrie Baker Leadership Development baker.carrie@ufl.edu  Ph.D.
We are sorry. We do not currently have a portrait of this person, but it should be coming soon! Benita Bannis Leadership Development bbannis@ufl.edu  Ph.D.
Caroline Barnett, AEC graduate student Caroline Barnett Agricultural Communication carolinepbarnett@ufl.edu Ph.D.
Jacobi Bedenfield Leadership Development bedenfield@ufl.edu  Ph.D.
Rachel Biderman Leadership Development rbiderman@ufl.edu Ph.D.
Braggs is an AEC graduate student Kayla Braggs Agricultural Communication kayla.braggs@ufl.edu Ph.D.
We are sorry. We do not currently have a portrait of this person, but it should be coming soon! Meg Brew Extension Education horsygrl@ufl.edu  Ph.D.
AEC student headshot Megan Cantrell Leadership Development mstein17@ufl.edu  Ph.D.
Katherine Chambers Agricultural Communication kathychambers@ufl.edu Ph.D.
Caleb Chambliss is a doctoral student in the UF/IFAS Department of Agricultural Education and Communication. Caleb Chambliss Leadership Development caleb.chambliss@warrington.ufl Ph.D.
Andy Chaparro, AEC graduate student Andy Chaparro Agricultural Education rchaparro@ufl.edu Ph.D.
Kate Clary, graduate student in the UF/IFAS Department of Agricultural Education and Communication Kate Clary Agricultural Communication katiecat@ufl.edu Ph.D.
Davis is an AEC graduate student Breonna Davis Agricultural Education breonnadavis@ufl.edu  Ph.D.
Heath Davis Leadership Development dheathd65@ufl.edu  Ph.D.
AEC student headshot Claudia Diaz Extension Education cdiazcarrasco@ufl.edu  Ph.D.
Jason Dossett Agricultural Education j.dossett@ufl.edu  Ph.D.
Dyment is an AEC graduate student Madison Dyment Agricultural Communication madison.dyment@ufl.edu  Ph.D.
Jason Fraser-Nash, AEC graduate student Jason Fraser-Nash Leadership Development jfrasernash@ufsa.ufl.edu Ph.D.
Goff is an AEC graduate student Cassie Goff Agricultural Education goffc@ufl.edu Ph.D.
Jose Molina Gonzalez Leadership Development j.molinagonzalez@ufl.edu  Ph.D.
Hewitt is an AEC graduate student Spencer Hewitt Leadership Development spencer.hewitt@ufl.edu  Ph.D.
Kyleigh Hilburn Agricultural Communication k.hilburn@ufl.edu Ph.D.
Wayne Hobbs, graduate student in the UF/IFAS Department of Agricultural Education and Communication Wayne Hobbs Extension Education whhobbs@ufl.edu Ph.D.
Sydney Honeycutt Agricultural Communication s.honeycutt@ufl.edu  Ph.D.
Breanne Hooks, graduate student in the UF/IFAS Department of Agricultural Education and Communication Breanne Hooks Leadership Development bhooks@ufl.edu Ph.D.
Simonne Horman, graduate student in the UF/IFAS Department of Agricultural Education and Communication Simone Horman Leadership Development shorman@ufsa@ufl.edu Ph.D.
Ashley Johnson Leadership Development johnsonashley1@ufl.edu  Ph.D.
Chip Johnson, III Leadership Development chip@ece.ufl.edu Ph.D.
Patricia Jordan, graduate student in agricultural education and communication Patricia Jordan Leadership Development pjordan@ufsa.ufl.edu Ph.D.
Arati Joshi Extension Education aratijoshi@ufl.edu  Ph.D.
Dharmendra Kalauni Extension Education kalauni.d@ufl.edu  Ph.D.
AEC student headshot Caitlin Lunzmann Leadership Development caitlin.lunzmann@ufl.edu Ph.D.
Shane Michael Extension Education shanemic@ufl.edu  Ph.D.
Juan Montealegre Agricultural Education jmontealegre@ufl.edu  Ph.D.
Jennifer Morgenthal Agricultural Education jhoney@ufl.edu Ph.D.
Melissa Nodhturft Leadership Development mjknight@ufl.edu  Ph.D.
Willis Ochieng Extension Education wochieng@ufl.edu Ph.D.
Alberto Ochoa Leadership Development a.ochoa@ufl.edu  Ph.D.
Jose Juan Perez Orozco, graduate student in the UF/IFAS Department of Agricultural Education and Communication Jose Juan Perez Orozco Extension Education joseperezoro@ufl.edu Ph.D.
Sravani Pasula Extension Education sravanipasula@ufl.edu  Ph.D.
Shenara Ramadan Agricultural Communication shenara.ramadan@ufl.edu Ph.D.
Becky Raulerson Agricultural Communication beckyraulerson@ufl.edu Ph.D.
Jared Rizzo  is a doctoral student in the UF/IFAS Department of Agricultural Education and Communication. Jared Rizzo Leadership Development jmriz@ufl.edu  Ph.D.
Jarred Shellhouse Agricultural Communication jshellhouse@ufl.edu   Ph.D.
Jason Steward, graduate student in the UF/IFAS Department of Agricultural Education and Communication Jason Steward Agricultural Education jsteward@ufl.edu Ph.D.
Stephanie Stoutamire Agricultural Communication sstoutamire@ufl.edu Ph.D.
Sunday is an AEC graduate student Dorcas Sunday Agricultural Communication dorcussunday@ufl.edu  Ph.D.
Jessica Switzer Agricultural Education jlswitzer@ufl.edu Ph.D.
Vashti Tatman Extension Education vashtitatman@ufl.edu  
Laura Valencia, graduate student in the UF/IFAS Department of Agricultural Education and Communication Laura Valencia Extension Education lauraval@ufl.edu Ph.D.
Ceme is an AEC graduate student Renzo Ceme Vinces Extension Education rcemevinces@ufl.edu  Ph.D.


Masters Students

  Name Specialization Email Degree Level
Adeyinka Ayodele Extension Education adeyinkaayodele@ufl.edu M.S.
Katrina Bayliss Agricultural Education kbayliss@ufl.edu  M.S.
Eva Blount Extension Education ecb1224@ufl.edu  M.S.
Browning is an AEC graduate student Suzanna Bond Agricultural Education suzanna.browning@ufl.edu M.S.
Marlia Bosques Martinez Extension Education mbosquesmartinex@ufl.edu  M.S.
Brooke Brammer Agricultural Education brooke.brammer@ufl.edu  M.S.
Carmen Carlini Agricultural Education carmencarlini@ufl.edu  M.S.
Carson is an AEC graduate student Hunter Carson Agricultural Education hunter.carson@ufl.edu M.S.
Marissa Cassaway  Agricultural Education cassm22@ufl.edu M.S.
Marisa Crowhurst Agricultural Communication marisacrowhurst@ufl.edu M.S.
Jessica Czipulis Agricultural Communication jessica.czipulis@ufl.edu M.S.
Madison Dvorak Leadership Development m.dvorak@ufl.edu M.S.
Astrid Ericson Agricultural Communication astrid.ericson@ufl.edu   M.S.
Farquhar is an AEC graduate student Camryn Farquhar Agricultural Education camryn.farquhar@ufl.edu M.S.
Amber Foley Leadership Development afoley98@ufl.edu M.S.
Alan Forester Leadership Development a.forester@ufl.edu  M.S.
Taylor Gebo Agricultural Education gebotaylor@ufl.edu  M.S.
Grady Graham Extension Education g.graham@ufl.edu M.S.
Savanna Hodges Agricultural Education savanna.hodges@ufl.edu  M.S.
Autumn Jackson Agricultural Communication autumn.jackson@ufl.edu M.S.
Jones is an AEC graduate student Candace Jones Agricultural Communication candace.jones@ufl.edu  M.S.
Katie Jones, a graduate student in the Agricultural Education and Communication Department at the University of Florida Katie Jones Leadership Development  dayze@ufl.edu  M.S.
Angelika Keene Extension Education angelika.keene@ufl.edu  M.S.
Terri Keith Extension Education teri2003@ufl.edu M.S.
Jillian Kennedy Agricultural Communication jilliankennedy@ufl.edu M.S.
Lee is an AEC graduate student Olivia Lee Agricultural Communication lee.o@ufl.edu M.S.
Karlibeth Leitheiser Extension Education kleitheiser@ufl.edu  M.S.
Rosetta Marc Agricultural Communication sarahmarc@ufl.edu M.S.
Mason is an AEC graduate student Elanie Mason Agricultural Education elaniemason@ufl.edu M.S.
McKinney is an AEC graduate student Taylor McKinney Leadership Development taylormckinney@ufl.edu M.S.
Devon Moore Extension Education dmichael.moore@ufl.edu M.S.
Angelica Morales Munoz Extension Education morales.angelica@ufl.edu  M.S.
Leslie Munroe Extension Education llnmunroe@ufl.edu  M.S.
Maggie Murphy Agricultural Communication maggie.murphy@ufl.edu M.S.
Jeannie Necessary Leadership Development jnecessary@ufl.edu M.S.
Chiamaka Ndukwu Leadership Development cndukwu@ufl.edu  M.S.
Kiera Packer Leadership Development kiera.packer@ufl.edu M.S.
Jessica Pastran Agricultural Education jessicapastran@ufl.edu M.S.
Pearce is an AEC graduate student Aubrey Pearce Agricultural Communication aubreypearce@ufl.edu M.S.
Ryan is an AEC graduate student Ryan Perez Leadership Development ryan.perez@ufl.edu M.S.
Arielle Pierce Leadership Development asmith311@ufl.edu  M.S.
Heather Pogue Extension Education h.pogue@ufl.edu  M.S.
Poole is an AEC graduate student Emma Poole Agricultural Communication emmapoole1@ufl.edu M.S.
Kayla Prescott Agricultural Education kprescott1@ufl.edu  M.S.
Bailea Scarbrough Extension Education bgnann@ufl.edu M.S.
Scott is an AEC graduate student Savannah Scott Agricultural Education  scott.savannah@ufl.edu  M.S.
Adam Smith Agricultural Communication smithadam@ufl.edu M.S.
Andrew Smith Leadership Development asmith311@ufledu  M.S.
Kortni Smith Agricultural Education kortni.smith@ufl.edu M.S.
Sullivan is an AEC graduate student Gabi Sullivan Agricultural Communication gabrielasullivan@ufl.edu  M.S.
Rebekah Thomas Agricultural Communication rebekah.floyd@ufl.edu M.S.
Sara Tomis Extension Education sara.tomis@ufl.edu  M.S.
Laura Vasquez Extension Education lavasquez@ufl.edu  M.S.
Caitlin Walker Leadership Development caitlinfltwd@ufl.edu  M.S.
Waters is an AEC graduate student Lily Waters Agricultural Education waters.lily@ufl.edu  M.S.
Malerie Whitehurst Extension Education
m.whitehurst@ufl.edu M.S.
Allison Williams Extension Education allisonwilliams@ufl.edu  M.S.
Caitlynne Youmans Agricultural Communication cyoumans1@ufl.edu M.S.
 Stacy Young  Agricultural Education youngstacy@ufl.edu  M.S.
 Cesar Zamora  Agricultural Communication cesarzamora@ufl.edu M.S.
Brian Myers

Brian Myers

Professor and Chair
Agricultural Education


Dr. Brian Myers is a professor of agricultural education and chair of the Department of Agricultural Education and Communication. 

J.C. Bunch

J.C. Bunch

Associate Professor and Associate Chair
Agricultural Education


Dr. J.C. Bunch is an associate professor and associate chair of the Department of Agricultural Education and Communication. 

Julie Wilson, Business Manager for AEC

Julie Wilson

Administrative Services Manager


Julie Wilson is the manager of administrative services for the department. In her role, she oversees the financial needs to the department.

Becky Cook

Becky Cook

Academic Advisor II


Becky Cook is the academic advisor for undergraduate students in our department. If you are a prospective students interested in studying agricultural education and communication, or a current student with questions about course enrollment or graduation, contact Becky.

Becky Raulerson

Agricultural Communication


Becky Raulerson is a lecturer of agricultural communication in the Department of Agricultural Education and Communication. Becky also serves as the coordinator and advisor for AEC undergraduate minors and certificates, as well as graduate certificates. Contact Becky with questions about applying for or enrolling into classes for AEC certificates or minors.