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Agricultural Education and Communication

Agricultural Education and Communication

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Laura Warner


407 Rolfs Hall
PO Box 110540
Gainesville, FL 32611

Twitter: @Laura_A_Warner

  • Education
  • Research
  • Courses Taught
  • Organizations

Dr. Laura Warner is a professor of Extension education in the Department of Agricultural Education and Communication (AEC) at the University of Florida. She specializes in translating behavioral theory into practical action and namely and understanding the human dimensions of best practice adoption. Her focus includes program evaluation, behavior change and social marketing. Warner’s appointment supports the Center for Land Use Efficiency (CLUE) in IFAS by providing professional development, resources and evaluation support to Extension professionals that promote sustainable landscape management practices. In addition, Warner serves as a faculty affiliate for the Interdisciplinary Ecology program, the Center for Public Issues Education (PIE Center), the Global Education Lab and the Water Institute.

Warner is originally from Middletown, Pennsylvania, but came to the University of Florida to receive her bachelor’s and master’s degrees (2004 and 2006, respectively), where she studied environmental horticulture. She then went on to earn her Ed.D. in Agricultural Leadership, Education and Communication from Texas A&M University in 2012.

 A horticulturist and past extension agent, Warner focuses her research on understanding factors that influence environmentally desirable behavior change, with an emphasis on water conservation, water quality protection, and pollinator conservation. These factors are translated into strategies to promote best practices.”

Warner’s Extension program supports the mission of the University of Florida by developing strategies for creating and eliciting behavior change at all stages from program planning through evaluation. Extension programming focuses on enhancing the program development and evaluation competencies of Extension and outreach professionals who encourage responsible use of natural resources in the landscape.

Outside of Extension programming and research, Warner serves as the adviser of the Agricultural Education and Communication Graduate Student Association (AECGSA).


Awards & Honors

Distinguished Researcher Award. Southern Region American Association for Agricultural Education, 2020.

Term Professorship Award. University of Florida, 2019-2022.

Educational Aids Blue Ribbon Award for High Impact Extension Methods. American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE), 2018.

Jim App Award. University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences Extension Program Leaders, 2018.

Distinguished Extension Educator Award. Southern Region American Association for Agricultural Education (AAAE), 2018.

Art Hornsby Distinguished Extension Professional and Enhancement Award. University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, 2017.

Outstanding Early Achievement Award. Association for International Agricultural and Extension Education (AIAEE), 2015.

Sustainable Agriculture Fellowship Recipient. USDA Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE), 2014-2015.