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Agricultural Education and Communication

Agricultural Education and Communication

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Graduate Student Resources

Below are resources that may be helpful as you navigate your graduate program in AEC. Before proceeding, please be sure to familiarize yourself with the department's Vision for Graduate Student Engagement and Vision for Graduate Assistant Engagement.

If you have questions about program specifics, please first check the AEC Graduate Handbook 22-23.

AEC Student Clubs

Obtain a wealth of experience in your field and meet students with similar career goals by joining one of our department’s student clubs. Both undergraduate and graduate students are encouraged to get involved in student organizations.

Agricultural Education and Communication 
Graduate Student Association

We are a group dedicated to the professional and personal growth of our graduate students as well as our department and our community. While agricultural education, communication, and leadership have brought us together, attending conferences, professional development seminars, and general social events keep us close. This strong community provides a powerful foundation for success within and outside of graduate school. If you are interested in becoming a part of this family, please contact Dr. Laura Warner. Go Gators!

Agricultural Communicators and Leaders 
of Tomorrow

In 1970, the National Agricultural Communicators of Tomorrow was established. The UF Agricultural Communicators and Leaders of Tomorrow (ACLT) is one of over 20 chapters representing the National ACT across the U.S. The faculty sponsors for this organization are Dr. Ricky Telg and Megan Cantrell.

Alpha Tau Alpha

The Alpha Tau Alpha, Epsilon Chapter, is a national honor society for students in the Department of Agricultural Education and Communication. The purpose of this organization is to promote the highest academic standards of agricultural education, leadership, communication, and extension education. Undergraduate students meeting a 3.0 GPA and graduate students meeting a 3.5 GPA are nominated for induction into ATA every April. General information can be found on the national website at: For more specific information on ATA, please contact Dr. Brian Myers.

Collegiate FFA

UF Collegiate FFA is an organization affiliated with the National FFA Organization. Our goal is to develop students into young professionals by involving them in activities and programs that will enhance their ability to communicate and lead groups of people on a daily basis. CFFA participates in campus wide events, are very active within the AEC Department, and work with Florida FFA members throughout the year. It is a great way to get to know individuals who are interested and involved in the Ag industry! Dr. JC Bunch (Gainesville) and Mrs. Debra Barry (Plant City) serve as the faculty sponsors for this group. Check out our the department’s collegiate FFA group pages on Facebook!