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Agricultural Education and Communication

Agricultural Education and Communication

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Agriscience Secondary Teacher Preparation Graduate Certificate

If you are interested in teaching agriculture at the secondary level (6-12 grade) and want strong coursework and a rigorous supervised field experience in your content area, this program, created in collaboration with the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences and the College of Education, is for you!

This new certificate establishes a formal route for educators that leads to Florida Teacher Certification in agricultural education at the secondary level. It is placed at the graduate level because this is a formal Agriscience Secondary Teaching Preparation Graduate Certificate as outlined by the FDOE which requires a bachelor’s degree plus certification coursework and relevant FDOE certification tests.  Credits from this certificate will transfer into our existing master’s programs in Agricultural Education and Communication.

Below are the required courses for the EPI program. You do not need to earn a master's degree for certification, but the EPI credits can be put toward a master's degree if a student chooses to do so.

Contact Dr. Tre Easterly ( with any questions related to this program.

  • Courses