Leadership Minor
Students in the leadership minor will develop fundamental skills, capacities, and knowledge necessary to assume leadership, supervisory, or management positions in public, private, and non-profit organizations. Because the minor is interdisciplinary, it draws on the expertise of faculty and staff in colleges across the campus including Agricultural and Life Sciences, Business Administration, Health and Human Performance, Journalism and Communications, Psychology, and Liberal Arts and Sciences.
In order to be considered for the leadership minor, students must complete the Add a Minor form in ONE.UF before they complete 90 credit hours* in their respective program of study. Additionally, students must have a cumulative grade point average of 3.0 to be approved. The minor is open to all University of Florida students.
The minor will only be conferred for a student if they meet the following criteria after acceptance in the minor:
- Overall GPA of 3.0 in all courses taken in the minor
- Earn a B or higher in AEC 3414: Leadership Development
- Complete 15 hours of coursework in approved leadership minor courses
*90 credit hours is a parameter that prevents students from delaying graduation in an effort to earn the minor. However, if completion of the minor will not delay your graduation, this requirement may be waived.
For a complete list of course requirements, visit the undergraduate course catalog.
The leadership minor is also available for students on UF Online, visit this section of the undergraduate course catalog for specific information for UF Online students.
Those seeking more information about AEC minors and certificates can contact Becky Raulerson at beckyraulerson@ufl.edu .