Explore teaching by volunteering at a local high school or community college agriculture program, observe an agriculture class, or get involved with the many agricultural youth program events that happen across the state of Florida. If you are in high school, explore the Agricultural Education CDE. If you are late high school or just starting your college education, please reach out to Dr. Deb Barry at dmbarry@ufl.edu for information about the Ag Ed Institute Program.
Begin your college journey at a community or state college. Continue to find early field experience opportunities by volunteering in local Ag programs or agricultural youth program events. Keep your eyes open for agricultural internships and industry experience prior to teaching and find ways to add more skills to your toolbox and infuse your lessons with first-hand experience!
Major in Agricultural Education and Communication (AEC) at the University of Florida as a freshmen or junior transfer student. UF is the only agricultural education degree program where you can earn your full teacher certification. There are two locations where you can earn your bachelor's degree for agricultural education from UF: Gainesville and Plant City. To find out more about transfer admissions requirements, start communicating early with academic advisors in Gainesville: Becky Cook (rtrammell@ufl.edu) or in Plant City: Jason Steward (jsteward@ufl.edu).
Start student teaching! This capstone experience allow you to work one-on-one with a mentor cooperating teacher, and teach in a Florida middle or high school agriculture program for part of your last semester at UF.
Obtain a full-time job teaching agriculture. There are typically many more jobs than there are candidates across the state of Florida.