Ricky Telg
Director, Center for Public Issues Education
1408 Sabal Palm Drive, Level 2
PO Box 110126
Gainesville, FL 32611
Dr. Ricky Telg is a professor in the Department of Agricultural Education and Communication and the director of the Center for Public Issues Education. He previously worked as a television reporter, newspaper reporter and editor, and video producer for Texas A&M University's Department of Agricultural Communications. He also taught journalism and broadcast production at Texas A&M.
Telg is faculty adviser for the UF/Agricultural Communicators and Leaders of Tomorrow and served as the faculty adviser for the National ACT organization for five years. He received Teacher of the Year honors in the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences in 1997 and 2011, and CALS Advisor of the Year in 2000 and 2014. Telg is also an active member of the Association for Communication Excellence in Agriculture, Natural Resources, and Life and Human Sciences. His research interests include agricultural communication (television/video production, print media, and media relations) distance education (instructional design, instructional media)
Course Websites
- AEC 3070
- AEC 4948/4943
Awards & Honors
Outstanding Article of the Year (2021), Journal of Applied Communications, McLeod-Morin, A., Rumble, J.N., & Telg, R.W. Challenges and motivations of science communication: An administrative perspective at land-grant universities. Journal of Applied Communications, 105(3).
American Association for Agricultural Education Distinguished Agricultural Communications Educator Award (2021)
Southern Region, American Association for Agricultural Education Distinguished Agricultural Communications Educator Award (2021)