John Diaz
Associate Professor
Extension Specialist
1200 N Park Road
Plant City, FL 33563
1200 N Park Road
Plant City, FL 33563
Dr. John Diaz is an Associate Professor and Extension Specialist in the Department of Agricultural Education and Communication (AEC) at the University of Florida. He focuses on program evaluation, community development, behavior change, social marketing, and local resilience. Diaz has responsibilities in research, extension, and teaching.
Dr. Diaz's research focuses on understanding the factors that influence behavior change and practice adoption among various stakeholder groups in extension activities related to local food systems, nutrition and wellness, natural resource management, conservation and community capacity building.
Diaz's extension program supports the mission of the University of Florida by developing strategies for developing resilient communities and measuring impacts of Extension programs. He focuses on enhancing the community development and evaluation competencies of extension and outreach professionals across a breadth of program areas.
Dr. Diaz also provides key leadership for IFAS in his role as the president of the Coalition of Florida Extension Educators for Latino Communities (CAFE Latino). Diaz led the development of these new organizations that now provide key services to Florida Cooperative Extension, so educators have the capacity and competency to serve the needs of Florida's audiences.
Diaz teaches courses in Program Development and Evaluation in Extension Education and Culturally Responsive Pedagogy.