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Agricultural Education and Communication

Agricultural Education and Communication

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Challenge 2050 Program

The Challenge 2050 Program at the University of Florida equips undergraduate students to lead systemic change in addressing the complex challenges of our global society. 


Global Leadership and Change Certificate

Undergraduate students in any major may complete the Global Leadership and Change Certificate. This certificate requires students to take four classes to further understand human well-being and sustainability in order to address global challenges associated with population growth. The certificate's curricula are embedded with the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals.

ALS 2410: Global Uncertainty 
(Typically offered fall semester; 3 credit hours)
This course explores questions in human well-being and sustainability building a foundation for addressing global challenges associated with global population. Transdisciplinary experts lead diverse and innovative discussions, complex adaptive problem solving; and the integration of economic, environmental, food, health, and social system perspectives.

ALS 3415: Tools for Changing the World 
(Typically offered spring semester; 3 credit hours)
The global population is projected to exceed 9 billion by the year 2050. Challenge 2050 requires innovative development of transdisciplinary solutions to complex, global issues. This course explores individual and team-based skills, competencies, and dispositions necessary to addressing the complex adaptive issues surrounding the challenge.

ALS 3940: The Experience 
(Contact for semesters offered; 3 credit hours)
This course emphasizes trust building, accompaniment, and community development experiences within developing global contexts. Uses immersion experience to gain an understanding for concerns relating to population fluctuation, including issues related to economics, environment, food, health, and social systems. International immersion facilitates applying sustainable practices in developing areas.

ALS 4419: Creating Solutions 
(Typically offered fall semester; 1 credit hour)
Through this capstone experience course, students demonstrate and apply knowledge, skills, and dispositions in assigned transdisciplinary teams. Students complete a comprehensive proposal for a developmental initiative focused on addressing the 2050 Challenge of sustaining a global population.

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ALS 2410 Global Uncertainty / Challenge 2050: Global Leadership & Change Certificate

Those seeking more information about the Challenge 2050 Program or the Global Leadership and Change Certificate should contact Dr. Natalie Coers, program director, at, or Becky Raulerson, advisor for AEC minors and certificates, at